Support Foam

every donation matters

Choose between one-time donation, annual amount or donating for a specific project. Even small amounts make a difference.

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one-time donation

You can also support Foam with a one-time donation. Making a donation contributes to Foam’s longevity and future-proofing during these challenging times. We are grateful for every contribution!

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annual donation

Supporting Foam is, besides becoming a member, also possible with an annual amount of your choice. This donation can be deducted from your taxable income if your donation is at least €250 and has been agreed upon in a donation agreement valid for five years (a form signed by you and Foam in which the amount is included).

This way, up to 65% of your gift is reimbursed by the Tax Administration, while Foam can devote the full donation to its activities. Private individuals have an additional advantageous tax option via the Geefwet (Gift Law) to deduct 125% of their donation to cultural ANBIs from their income tax.

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tax benefits

Donations are eligible to be deducted from your taxable income, under the condition that the donation is in excess of both €60 and 1% of your income. Furthermore, there is an upward limit of 10% of your income. The Tax Administration has designated Foam as cultural ANBI, a public benefit organisation. It is possible to sum several donations to different ANBIs in one calendar year. A copy of the bank statement will serve as proof of donation for the tax authorities. Private individuals have an additional advantageous tax option via the Geefwet (Gift Law) to deduct 125% of their donation to cultural ANBIs from their income tax.

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donation for specific project

In addition to becoming a member, you can also choose to support a specific project and become involved on a more personal level. For example, you could support an exhibition, a socially engaged project or a project in the field of talent development. Is there an idea you would like to develop along with Foam? This is always possible for donations over €10,000.

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Your Foam, 2021 © Foam. Photo: Almichael Fraay.jpg
Opening Shigeru Onishi and Alexandra Rose Howland, 2021 © Daniel Lewensztain.
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as a Foam Member

other ways to support Foam

Foam is supported by the VriendenLoterij, Foam Members, De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek, the VandenEnde Foundation and the Gemeente Amsterdam.

In 2022 Foam receives additional support from the Mondriaan Fund and receives a contribution through the Mondriaan Fund from the Ministerie van OCW.

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