With his publication Handbook to the Stars (2012) as a starting point for the eponymous Foam 3h exhibition, the Hungarian artist and Foam talent Peter Puklus attempts to portray his own universe. He provides insight into how his photographic works relate to each other: like galaxies in relative proximity to one another that are bound together by their own gravitational force.
Freed from any photographical conventions, Peter Puklus works according to his own logic and interests, shifting naturally between genres, themes and media. In his studies of shapes we encounter fragile constructions, as well as objects to which he has made sometimes simple, sometimes radical alterations with an eye for the interplay of lines and geometric shapes.
Like in the studio, his search for formal and three-dimensional aspects is also evident when he takes photographs in natural and urban environments. Where necessary, he exchanges the static for the moving image, combining positive and negative images, and alternating black and white with colour. This exhibition is a representation of all of these aspects coexisting in Puklus' universe of images.
This exhibition has been made possible by Van Bijlevelt Stichting and the Gieskes-Strijbis Fund.
Foam is supported by the BankGiro Loterij, De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek, City of Amsterdam, Delta Lloyd, Olympus and the VandenEnde Foundation.
Peter Puklus (1980, Kolozsvár, Romania) is a Hungarian artist and photographer. He is currently finishing his DLA (Doctor of Liberal Arts) in photography at the Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design, Budapest. Last year he published two books: Handbook to the Stars (Stokovec, Space for Culture) and One and a half meter (Kehrer Verlag).
Peter Puklus