Foam presents the exhibition On Earth – Imaging, Technology and the Natural World together with le lieu unique in Nantes, France.
Photography enables us to observe the world and the effects of our existence in it. It can be used to document, eternalise and motivate events. Photography has also testified to the paradoxical relationship between man, nature and technology. As we use contemporary technologies to document and question our relationship with the natural world, we increasingly experience this world through the very same technologies used.
On Earth – Imaging, Technology and the Natural World unites the work of 27 contemporary artists who use innovative visual techniques to reflect on the evolving relationship between humans and nature. Besides photography, the artists make use of installation, sculpture, in-game photography and video. Their various visual approaches diverge and converge throughout the exhibition. These artists show they both seek to explore and reunite our technological, socio-economical, spiritual and political connection with the world.
Thomas Albdorf (1982), Jonathas de Andrade (1982), Jeremy Ayer (1986), Fabio Barile (1980), Matthew Brandt (1982), Melanie Bonajo, (1978), Persijn Broersen & Margit Lukács (1974 & 1973), Raphaël Dallaporta (1980), Mark Dorf (1988), Lucas Foglia (1983), Noémie Goudal (1984), Mishka Henner (1976), Femke Herregraven (1982), Benoît Jeannet (1991), Adam Jeppesen (1978), Anouk Kruithof (1981), Mårten Lange (1984), Douglas Mandry (1989), Awoiska van der Molen (1972), Drew Nikonowicz (1993), Mehrali Razaghmanesh (1983), Guillaume Simoneau (1978), Troika (1976 & 1977), Maya Watanabe (1983), Guido van der Werve (1977).
En français:
Le développement des technologies et la rapidité des variations climatiques ont fondamentalement transformé notre relation à la nature. La photographie nous permet aujourd’hui plus que jamais d’observer de près ce monde et la façon dont nos existences l’affectent. Mais peut-elle aussi servir de catalyseur à de nouvelles manières d’interagir avec notre environnement?
Sur Terre réunit le travail de vingt-six artistes contemporains qui utilisent des stra- tégies d’imagerie innovantes pour mettre en lumière la relation changeante de l’homme
à la nature. Dans le sillage des grands photo- graphes paysagistes du XIXe siècle, cette nou- velle génération d’artistes utilise les techniques d’imagerie contemporaines qui envahissent notre façon de percevoir le monde: souvent électronique, à travers des écrans digitaux.
On Earth was curated by Foam and produced in collaboration with Les Rencontres d’Arles.
The exhibition is made possible by the Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia, MIAP Foundation, Goethe-Institut Amsterdam, Institut français des Pays-Bas and Kleurgamma Fine-Art Photolab.
Foam is supported by the BankGiro Loterij, De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek, City of Amsterdam, Foam Members, Olympus and the VandenEnde Foundation.
On Earth | Nantes le lieu unique