Aftermovie: Dance through the exhibition of Jonathas de Andrade, 2022 © Thomas van Damme and Mathieu Gremillet.
I Love Chicas Dance Academy
Lana Andringa (1993, NL) and Mabel Escobar (1991, CO) are dancers that work for the I Love Chicas Dance Academy, a dance school and community that stimulates female empowerment through dancing. Both dancers teach Latin American, Caribbean and African dance genres. Lana's passion includes dancehall whereas Mabel keeps the tradition of her hometown alive when teaching salsa.
This exhibition is made possible by Ammodo and the Gieskes-Strijbis Fonds.
Foam is supported by the VriendenLoterij, Foam Members, De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek, the VandenEnde Foundation and Gemeente Amsterdam.
In 2022 Foam receives additional support from the Mondriaan Fund.
Dance through the exhibition of Jonathas de Andrade