Een huis in het donker met verlichte ramen, twee grote bomen staan voor het huis.

Léonie Hampton, 2009

Night Time #1, 2009

Created by Léonie Hampton in 2009. The artwork is a photo face on 6mm low iron glass, polished and bevelled edges, polyester back & MDF split batten and displayed at 17 x 25.40 cm.

How does this image make you feel? This nighttime scene of a house in the woods may evoke an ominous feeling as to what’s about to happen. Or does the warm light shining through the windows instead transport you to a cosy living room during a cold winter night? Night Time #1 is part of the series In the Shadow of Things, in which English photographer Leonie Hampton gives the viewer an intimate peek at her everyday family life. The series was conceived when Hampton offered to help her mother, who suffers from an obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), to tidy up the house, as long as she was permitted to photograph the process. The result is an intimate and personal portrayal of the complex relationships that can exist within a family, which might not be apparent to the world around. In the Shadow of Things addresses the myth of the perfect family, while showing the unbreakable bonds and the love within a family.

© Léonie Hampton, courtesy of the Foam Collection

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thumbnail Night Time #1, 2009

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Night Time #1, 2009