Popel Coumou, 2019
113_untitled 2019
Created byPopel Coumou in 2019. The artwork is a archival pigment print and displayed at 41 x 28 cm.
How does this work fit within the photographic medium? The abstract, three-dimensional image may well make you think of graphic design. It is precisely through this kind of confusion that artist Popel Coumou challenges the traditional conceptions of photography, in terms of how you use images. Must a photograph always be a representation of reality? In fact, this image is a collage created used several photographs of the sky. Take some time again to look at the image. Can you see how the sky has been processed in the geometrical shapes? From the golden hue of a setting sun to the deep blue when daytime gradually passes into night. Coumou’s work centres on the progression of light and colour. In this way she deftly examines how the human brain tends to fill in any uncertainties and is able to create its own reality to accommodate whatever it sees.
© Popel Coumou, courtesy of the Foam Collection